How to find out stock availability for products:

To correctly identify the stock of a product, go to the product page. The availability of products in stock can be found in the technical details table of the respective page.

1. In the case of simple products without attributes or colour and size combinations, the number of items available for that product is displayed above the technical details table.

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2. For products with combinations or product attributes, stock availability must be checked for each available variant. This can be accomplished by selecting the size or color with the mouse cursor and clicking on it. This will show the stock availability for that selection.

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Important to know! Our precious and semi-precious stones are natural, and nature does not produce perfect things. Even if the stones are from the same batch, they may not be the same colour. They may be darker or lighter in colour. One of the big problems we face is meeting the demand for pairs of earring stones, which is difficult to do. If there are no lots already chosen for earrings in that category, the chances of finding a pair of stones that match in colour are likely to be quite low. For such projects, it is best to inquire ahead of time at the phone number displayed or through shop messaging.